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E-Learning: A Way To Facilitate Rural Learning


La E-Vulgarisation, un moyen pour faciliter l’apprentissage en milieu rural

The following is a transcript of the video.: The successful program increased. soy production per hectare in Burkina Faso by over 200%.

E-Learning is an innovation that we wanted to provide as part of of this projec to change the way people learn. So, we have integrated this device among our activities to enhance people’s skillset. We wanted to put the digitization of learning tools back at the heart of this system, to make it available to the people.

We have opted for E-Learning in view of the previous experiences of Trias. We have seen that there are many limits linked to classical training. We tried to identify an objective

We have seen that the illiteracy rate is high, so if you have to do the classical training, It is not clear that the message can get through

For E-Learning, there is something behind it. And what is it ? What message do we want to convey? I take the example of sesame producers. For sesame producers, we want to train them on how to produce sesame properly from sowing to harvest

We therefore choose a video that explains the different technical phases of The technical production route in terms of methodology, firstly we proceeded to obtain these digital kits. After that, we uploaded video materials from the site ‘Access Agriculture’

And some that we have researched with some of our partners to facilitate the adoption of the E-Learning method by cooperatives,

We first trained the endogenous leaders to use the kit. So what is the kit?

The kit is a set of tools. You can use the kit no matter where you are, you do not need to have electricity to use the digital kit

It is composed of a projector of a speaker, a power bank and also a solar panel. For E-Learning, we do it in the evening while the people are available. They are at home and there is the playful aspect. It's like a game, a cinema. They are called into the cinema. And it's a joy. So we watch the video, and at the end, there is a phase of questions and answers, what did you understand in this video?

People will give their views. If there are things that are not correct, we reframe things.

And what do you think of it?

So we ask questions, we answer, and it allows people to remember because they see how the person applies in the video, and easily, they can do it again.

Without forgetting that we can copy this video into our smartphones, and at any time, the person can use it as a reminder. The members of the cooperatives retain better when the trainings go through the E-Learning. They retain better, they perceive better.

Before, you could explain to them and they would not apply. But as it is concrete, they apply. So we noticed that there is a change

When I talk about change, you can see it at the level of women on savings. There were women who didn't even want to save

There are also women who took loans to repay other loans

Without doing a good thing with it.

But with E-Learning through the projection of videos, the results have been convincing, because there have been several producers who have been trained.

We have a figure of 22,541 producers and processors who have been affected by this training and among all this number, we have 52% of women and 21% of young people.

So, that is a very important element, and the application of the agricultural techniques taught has been effective.

There has been improved yields, so there has been increased end-of-count revenue, and we have faith that at the end of the project they are not going to drop that because they have the interest.

At the start of the project, we were at less than 400 kg per hectare, currently we are at more than 800 kg per hectare.

For soy we were at less than 600 kg per hectare.

Currently we are at more than 1,400 kg per hectare so that is a source of pride. People got the information and they applied.

The results are in.

The awareness we receive helps us improve our working conditions and our turnover. It really helps us. We have seen how to preserve crops.

We understood that after harvesting, we had to make bundles, let them dry and then beat.

We spread a tarpaulin. We must not trample the tarpaulin to beat.

It is necessary to beat in a circle and sieve before winnowing.

They must then be put in bags in good condition, new and then sewn before bringing them home.

Wood must be laid before the bags are placed.

When we randomly placed on the ground, it could be destroyed by a termite invasion.

Termites destroy the bags and reach the crops without us knowing.

If it's not the day that it's over, that we find that the bag is stuck to the ground.

Often, as it is deposited on the ground.

The moisture from the ground penetrates the bags, and it gives off an odor.

We consumed, but we did not know that it was due to the fact that we deposited on the ground.

It deteriorates the quality of the sesame.

When we followed the advice, we found the sesame is of better quality. We also note that if the sesame is well cared for and clean, it will be more beneficial to us.

As part of this project, we have acquired four digital kits. You see, we cover the entire Central East region and we have a pool of 95 cooperatives.

So in the background, we have thousands of producers that we support and at the level of the facilitators, we have a pool of 15 endogenous facilitators who are distributed in these regions.

We set up a calendar at the level of the endogenous animators which allows them to make a certain rotation.

We recognize that at some point there may be overlapping programs.

There is one of our facilitators who has developed resilience.

She bought a small radio-television kit, which she uses for her outreach.

The kits offered by the project were not for everyone because there are several people.

Given the number of facilitators, the animation was done in turn.

But one does not acquire knowledge in a single day. This is what led me to buy my USB key and my small television to make my animations.

If the project were to end, and we have the material to continue our work, it would be as if the project continued.

Because the project brought us the intelligence, the knowledge, that we can use to get by.

What I can add is to say thank you to the PTRE/FJ project.

Because since the arrival of the PTRE/FJ project, there has been a big change in the women of Centre-Est.

When scaling up of this e-Learning, the first element is the endowment of our provincial umbrella organizations, for example, with digital kits.

Since they are already trained, there are endogenous facilitators who are already trained in how to use these kits, so they can learn internally.

And we also noted that the technical services of the State had to request these kits.

So, we thought like them, their role is to support producers on a daily basis, that's their job, why not also equip these technical services with digital kits, so that they can support daily our producers?

The plea that we are making is to equip the technical agents of the State, who have the sovereign role, to accompany our producers on a daily basis, so that they have these kits, with appropriate videos, to pass on the message.

That, Burkina Faso will gain a lot.



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