Musa Taylor – International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC), Ghana
IFDC deployed its DCS's (smart projector kits) to rural communities, with the aim of reaching 50,000 farmers with locally produced extension messages about the advantages of using certified seeds.
Previous Methodology
Use of the DCS was adopted because previous methods had proved impractical. Initially, when the logistics involved in moving farmers to areas to train them proved expensive, IFDC adopted a ‘Motor King’ system to teach the farming communities using ICT. This comprised a motorized tricycle truck to carry extensive equipment including a projector, screen, speaker, generator and DVD player. It was found that manoeuvering the Motor King around the communities wasn’t easy. Additionally, the truck often broke down, and then on arrival the system took time to connect.

IFDC worked with lead farmers to produce the training videos in their local languages. These were then uploaded onto a small drive for use with DCS, along with Access Agriculture’s library of videos.
Rural communities, utilising both projector, power bank and solar charger
•Achieved their goal of reaching 50,000 farmers in 3 months
•Portability and compactness enable extension workers to go out with just a DCS backpack and a motorbike, which is much more efficient
•Content flexibility - if we want to send out any new information we can make our own videos and upload them to a small USB.
•The picture is usable even in the afternoon and in bright light. This compares well with other projectors which have not proved very sharp.

IFDC Representative presenting the success of the program
400,000 farmers reached (80,000 via the DCS )